The NAVCC is the UK’s only Association of Veteran & Vintage Cycle Clubs, which was formed in 1956. With Seven clubs currently affiliated to provide members with organised rides, rallies and displays for ‘Early’ bicycles & tricycles.
Current NAVCC Officers
Listed below are the current NAVCC Officers and you can find a record of all previous officers here: NAVCC Officers
- President / Chairman: Mike Gray
- Secretary: Eileen Reid
- Treasurer: Valerie Pears
- Committee Members: Two Per Club
The Inaugural Meeting of the NAVCC
The inaugural meeting of the National Association of Veteran Cycle Clubs was held on the 8th April 1956 at Meriden, Warkshire (an earlier delegate meeting had been held in October 1955) Nineteen persons were in attendance, representing the then current UK Veteran Cycle Clubs :- Bawtry, Coventry, Peterborough and Southern.
At this meeting a vote was taken on an amendment to the following resolution ‘ that the body be named the National Veteran Cycle Club ‘ which resulted in an unanimous decision that the organisation be named :- the NATIONAL ASSOCIATION of VETERAN CYCLE CLUBS.
During the early years two additional clubs affiliated, the Bantel and Oundle but as with the Bawtry and Coventry, they are all now unfortunately defunct. The Southern Veteran Cycle Club [now renamed the Veteran-Cycle Club] chose after a few years not to re-affiliate.
Objectives & Aims of The NAVCC
OBJECTIVES and AIMS of the Association … ‘ shall be to co-ordinate the aims and activities of the constituent bodies and members, to publish such aims and activities, to initiate or help with suitable activities and assist in forming clubs of Veteran cycle enthusiasts in those parts of the country not presently served by such clubs. ‘
The National Rallies
Entrants in the Annual National Rally, held every year since 1957 in various areas of the UK on the First Sunday in September, ride machines dating from 1860’s to 1935. The period of which incorporates the Velocipede (Boneshaker) of the 1860’s followed by the 1870 Ordinary Bicycle (Penny Farthing) through the development of the bicycle up to 1935, almost a complete cycle history.
Members also endeavour to ride their machines in correct period costume appropriate to the cycle they ride. For more information, or to ask any questions about the Association please use the Contact Page